Join us on Sundays 8 am or 11 am. Our address is 13231 E Mississippi Ave, Aurora, CO

Growing together.

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

Rise student ministry is a place for our 6th through 12th graders to develop a faith of their own while building lasting relationships. Our goal is to come alongside students as they are developing a faith of their own while supplementing family discipleship. We believe that this is a vital part of each student's faith journey that grows through various activities, events, and community. Jesus encourages everyone in Matthew 22:34,  "love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind . . . And the second is like it, you should love your neighbor as yourself." This is who we are and what we want to be about, Loving God and Loving People.

Weekly Activities


Sunday small group Bible studies are made up of students of the same grade and gender. Students will be challenged to study Scripture as one unified story of God with Jesus at the center. The goal is to help each student grow deeper in their walk with God in an age appropriate atmosphere.  

6:00pm - 7:30 pm

Wednesday nights are a time of games, worship, and Bible study.  Students will worship God and build relationships with their friends. Each night we will dig into God’s Word through a deeper Bible Study and making it applicable to their lives.
Turkey Bowl

Special Events

Each year we have multiple events for our students to develop a strong welcoming community focused on growing their relationship with Christ. Our goal is to pick a variety of different events that engage students of varied interests. There will be a balance between events with and without cost from month to month. Students can participate in events throughout the year such as summer camp, DNOW retreat , game nights, and various other activities. 

Event Calendar

Get Connected

For more information or questions contact Pastor Bobby.